GoGORILLA Video Trucks have 3 large format, super bright LED screens: 1 on each side and 1 on the rear.
Video Trucks provide:
PINPOINT TARGETING: Our video trucks go where your audience lives, works and plays;
VERSATILITY: Both still and motion video can be displayed;
PARKED OR ON THE MOVE: Video trucks can either be parked in high-visibility locations or driven through high-traffic neighborhoods;
MOBILITY: Video Trucks can be driven to any US market, large or small, to bring your message where it needs to be.
THE WOW! EFFECT: Stunning, powerful and bright graphics will get your message noticed!
How It Works

GoGORILLA Video Trucks:
Are built with state-of-the art LED modules
Are visible in the bright sun
Display moving videos on the 2 side screens and still images on the rear screen. Sizes are 11'3” x 6'4" sides, rear is 6'4" x 6'4" .
Are equipped with speakers and play sound
Recommended video length is 15 to 30 seconds.
Travel on city streets only, no advertising on highways.
Why It Works